#575 - Dream diary?

randomlayout / my designs




We're doing this 13 Virtues thing for that stupid book the autobio of Ben Franklin, and so far I've broken Moderation 3 days in a row. I'm always either online or playing video games. What I really should be doing is doing my homework, which I'm sure doesn't really surprise you, but I'm always too lazy and so I end up doing it at the last minute.

Things are going alright online anyway, because everything is very organized now. Well, they've been organzied. I wish I could say the same about my room, but I don't really care anymore. I'm not sure what I'm really talking about or what I even meant to talk about...

Well, yesterday I saw this girl that had this dream diary. Basically a diary that tells all the dreams she's had. It's not the first time I've seen it done, but it's the first time I considered doing one. I shouldn't do it because I'm on this going online less thing (though not always working), but then I think it would be cool if I did, because I have a ton of weird dreams, from getting hit by a car, cutting off someone's head, getting hunt down, to other various sad things, but I know that if I started this new diary, I'd have to devote time into it and I know I wouldn't konw how to stop writing in there, which is just too much, it's like having a second diary. And I don't want to devote my life to the internet anymore, but yet it's so tempting.

Eh... I don't know anymore. I'll go play more video games.



