#576 - Reviewing

randomlayout / my designs




I've been thinking lately about starting a solo review site. It would be a one of a kind review site because I wouldn't follow stupid scoring guides. I'd just talk about your diary and the template in whatever order I want it to be. But I know once I start it, I'm sure it won't last long. Being a reviewer, I found that I'm really picky about people's journals. Most of them are just so very boring. I'm not sure if most reviewers just find everything interesting or they bullshit it.

Me, I'll admit there were a few times where I just skimmed a million entries until I find one that's interesting. Then I read it and move on till I find other interesting stuff... but I don't know, this review site is really tempting. I would only review what I want to review.

Maybe I'll do it. I'm actually starting to miss the fact that I'm not reviewing...



