#588 - Thanksgiving? What's that?

randomlayout / my designs




You know it seems that nobody cares about Thanksgiving this year. I've already seen so much crap for Christmas out already and it's not even the month of December yet. My family never celebrates Thanksgiving, but I hope that my parents won't have to work. Somewhere along the way, I realize that I hate the fact that my parents aren't ever home. It really bothers me for some reason.

I have so many things I have to do tonight and I have to wake up early for tomorrow morning. I am so sick of my life. Taking AP English was such a big mistake, and so is AP US. I suck at the test no matter what I do. I'm beginning to dislike my French class too. I'm so sick of everything... *sigh*

Well, that bump thing is healing and going away slowly. It doesn't hurt as bad, but instead now, I have a sore throat. I hate life. When did things become like this?



