#591 - The joys of chicken pox

randomlayout / my designs




I have such a bad headache right now. I feel so much pressure on my forehead. Last night, I woke up at 4am in the morning and I itched everywhere. Sadly, I couldn't resist and started rubbing the itchy places. (Well, I didn't want to scratch it, that'd be just down right stupid!)

My mom says that it looks better, but I'm not sure, either way I'm not going back to school for 10 days, so I guess I should try to relax... Either way, it really sucks. I already have a test and a lab I need to make up.

I spent most of today watching TV shows such as Maury, Jerry Springer, and Passions. Maury used to be a pretty good show, but now all they show is these woman getting pregnant and they need a paternity test to reveal who the father is. How boring! Jerry Springer made it's 12th season apparently. If it's been on that long, you'd think that the people on that show would know what to expect if their significant other wants to bring them on their show, but gosh, those people are really dense. As for Passions, some real interesting stuff happening on that show as always.

I wonder where my brother is... he should be home by now.

Well, maybe I'll go play video games now.

Oh and by some chance you wanted to know how I'm feeling, well besides the headcahe, my throat still hurts, but it's nothing compared to this morning and yesterday. I don't have much urges to scratch. And I hope it stays that way. And so far nobody from my school has said anything about me... not that I'm surprised or was expecting anything. Who would talk to me anyway?

I'm rambling now and I'm going to shut up. See ya.



