#593 - Super long intertwining dream

randomlayout / my designs




---Part 1

I'm on vacation somewhere and I meet a guy named Jared. I'm not sure why I remember his name, or even why I know his name, but I do know he's name is Jared. I don't know much about him but I remember that the instant our eyes met, there was a spark that we both felt.

He calls me a week later, I don't know how because he doesn't have my number. I don't know how I know it's a week later, but I know. We go on this date. It seems really short, but I think it was supposed to be a whole day. I know I had a lot of fun.

The next day I realize that I never gave Jared my home number (remember, I'm still on vacation). So I'm feeling sad that I'm never going to see him again.

---Part 2

The scenery completely changes and I think I'm at school but a totally different school. There's some booths set up like a carnival or something. I'm helping out and stuff and my parents are there. I leave for a moment to find someone, I don't know who, but I think my dream self did.

Now I'm with Chris, the exboyfriend Chris. Now if you don't already know who he is, I suggest taking your butt over to the cast section and learn something about him before hearing me ramble about him.

Anyway, I'm not sure if my dream self was looking for Chris or not, but I ended up talking to him. We were alone and I guess I probably started the conversation. I forget what we were talking about, but a subject came up about Chris moving. He tells me that he's going to move out of his house and go to another school and live with another guy. I ask him what he's name is and he said his name's Jared.

Then, I remember that Jared said something about hating his parents and that he was going to move out and find a new place to live near his school (he goes to college). He said that he'll need a roomate to help with payments. Oh, and he told me this during the date we had. Somehow we figure out that it was the same Jared that I met before.

Suddenly, I start getting sad over the fact that Chris is moving. I don't remember how or when, but we start hugging. I don't know why we are, but we are. I think it's probably because I didn't want to let Chris go. The only thing missing was his scent. I know Chris scent so well, and I didn't smell it at all during the dream. Of course, it's a dream so why would I smell it? Anyway, we're kind of hugging as we walk through the carnival stuff (don't ask me how we can walk and hug at the same time). I think I'm crying, but I don't remember. If I'm not, I'm probably on the verge of it anyway. And I know at this point that I really want him back and in the dream, I am very aware of Alyssa, but I think my dream self didn't know if they were still together. It was as if I haven't talked to or seen Chris in a very long time. I didn't want to be the girl that he cheats with if he still was with Alyssa. So I kissed his neck. Twice. The second time I asked if he liked it and he looked back at me with this bittersweet smile. All of a sudden, he releases me.

This next scene is weird, because he turns into two people. One of them is my arms, but the other one is talking to these people selling ballons. In final desperation, I guess, I kiss left of his lips and then I realize that he's showing no response at all and all of a sudden the Chris in my arm disappears completely. Instead, I see the other Chris trying to buy a ballon for me. He gets the first one and it flys up and away. He gets a second one and he tells them to hand it to this other guy to give to me, but I didn't get the ballon (It was really confusing...) and anyway, it flew up too. Then they gave me another ballon and this time I caught the string right before it flew away. I think the ballon was yellow, but I'm really, quite unsure, but anyway, Chris was in a hurry and by then he disappared.

---Part 3

My mom and I are going to my school, I think. Except, it's a totally different school and somewhere I've never been before. We're in a locker room/restroom.

I don't remember what she wanted to do by going to my school, but we are at my school anyway. We ended up playing tag. It was like a chase. And it was really weird and too hard to explain, especially since I don't remember all the details myself.

Anyway, then she's gone and I bump into Chris. Then we start talking. I forgot what we talked about except... I'm not sure if I asked or if he just knew I wanted to know, but I've always wondered why we broke up. He just started acting weird towards me and stopped being affectionate towards me very suddenly. So he tells me it's because I was always with other guys or always with other people.

I talked to Chris a little bit more and then the scenery changed again.

Now I'm in line for a game. It's a bunch of trampolines lined up, to see if you can make it all the way to the end. Except the lot of them didn't look like trampolines. They looked like... I don't know, but I think one of them looked more like a chair, but you bounced when you jumped on them nonetheless. I made it all the way to the end, and despite that I wasn't the first one to go, I beat all the people that were in the middle (I surpassed them), and made it to the end. I jumped, really, really high.

As I walk back towards the beginning of the line, I meet the girls from Friends: Rachel, Monica, and Pheobe. I wave to them as if I'm good friends with them or something, but they don't wave back. In fact, Rachel gives me this nasty stare at me. And Monica and Pheobe don't look at me and just kind of ignore me. I shrugg it off until I find the guys from Friends (Chandler, Joey, and Ross) in line for the trampolines. I walk over there and I ask them, "why are the girls angry at me?" And then they mumbled something and I realize that they weren't allowed to tell me. But they tell me anyway. Except it was so confusing that even my dream self didn't know what was wrong still. But I do remember something about how I was supposed to stay away from Chris and that it was Rachel's guy or something and I was supposed to be with Ross. So I said, "alright, I'll hang out with you, Ross."

So during the line, I see this little food shop. There's salad and spaghetti, and I want both, but apparantly I have no money, because I ask Ross how much money he has. He only has money for one of the item, so I get a salad. By the time it's ready, the line's already moved forward, so I had to go find Ross for money, and then I come back and pay the person, and I have a fried chicken leg on my plate also. I'm not a big fan of fried chicken, and I see this old couple next to me who has these sandwiches. So I ask the guy if he wants to trade. The guy hesitates, but in the end, I have two (I don't know how the 2nd one came about...) chicken legs that I gave him, and he gives me the sandwiches. Except, I don't get the sandwiches. They've deteriorated and I get these tiny pieces. I wanted to go up to that guy and complain, but I don't.



