#598 - Average Joe

randomlayout / my designs




I was watching Average Joe yesterday on NBC. And the "geek", John, was eliminated from the show. I've never seen the show up until yesterday, but John was just so sweet. Actually, let me find an image of this guy. Here's one:

You can see the rest of the guys here.

Is it so weird that I find him most attractive out of the rest of them? I mean it would figure that I would choose the 'geek' out of the group. Melana describes him as "musically gifted, intellectual and sweet." I mean if this guy was actually my age, I would consider writing him, but I'm not... but gosh, just hearing him on TV yesterday, it really got to me, because this guy is just so geniune and he was talking about how the nice guy always finishes last.

I wonder sometimes if that's always true. I mean, I took this quiz:

You are Ryan/Marissa. As Seth would put it: youre a friend of
the clich. Bad boy comes to town and the good, girl-next-door
falls for him. We've seen it a million times before yet it never
gets old. Marissa sees past the bad boy image of Ryan into his
soul and sees his softer, sensitive side. And Ryan seems to be
the only one that can save Marissa from herself. You're not
actually together but you have more drama and angst than most
actual couples. So whether you are giving each other angsty
looks or having a fun, clich time swimming in the pool with
your clothes on, we're sitting back and waiting for that first kiss.

What OC 'ship are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And it's true. I love going for the whole bad boy thing and Ryan is really hot, but I don't know. I like the nice guys too. With the nice guys, you know what to expect, but then you want the bad boys cause there's just this wild side of me that wants to come out, you know? I don't know. I want to date the bad boys, but I want to marry a nice guy. Is that cool? I mean, is that okay? Is it understandable? Haha. Probably not for the guys, eh?



