#613 - What to write about...

randomlayout / my designs




Agh. I feel so bad for missing orchestra practice this morning. I can't believe that I overslept. Hoepfully, tomorrow I'll wake up on time.

Today, I had the worst cramp I've ever had in my whole entire life. I don't even want to recall how bad it was, so I'm just gonna leave it at that. I guess I was kind of lucky considering I was able to fall asleep in part of my classes so I didn't have to feel the pain.

*Sigh* There are a lot of things that I could be talking about, but nothing really seems worth it. I still haven't heard from Mike, I'm not really worried, but I miss him a whole lot and I'd wish that he'd write to me!

I haven't been feeling like myself lately... you know, I don't think I have anything meaningful to write here anymore. I've actually started to think about leaving diaryland again, but I realized that I'm just gonna come back eventually.

Hey you know what would be nice... if I had diaryland gold member. I wonder what that's like... Oh. The only thing I want for Christmas (that's buyable) is Mario Kart Double Dash... but I don't think my parents will buy it for me. I can image the expression on their face. "Don't you want something more useful?" "I don't want you to waste your time on video games anymore! You're almost 17!" ...Yeah, so? What's wrong with playing video games when you're 17. Parents don't seem to understand that kind of stuff... whatever.



