#622 - Let's get another computer

randomlayout / my designs




It's be so quiet ever since Stace went to Arizona to be with Nate... it makes me happy and sad at the same time. When I read her recent entries. I'm really happy for her, but she makes me envious that I can't have that with Jeff. Oh well... You know all I seem to be doing lately is thinking about him. I can't get him outta my head. It's not really a bad thing, in fact, I kind of like it. And the fact that I like it makes me like it even more. Does that make sense? Well, it makes sense to me.

We really need another computer at this house. I can't stand having to share this stupid computer with my family. Especially my dad, mom's understanding and all. She gets off the computer nicely whenever I need it, but dad is constantly a pain in the butt. He always trys to kick me off whenever he can, and I can never get back on it again. Grr...

I want my own laptop. I think I deserve one. Especially with all the graphics and designing I'm constantly doing... but that's just an excuse I suppose... whatever. I'm off to think about Jeff. Have a good night everyone.



