#625 - Quit whining

randomlayout / my designs




I took this quiz once before back about 2 years ago. And on it said that, there were 9 types of woman. The only ones I can remember were: perfectionist, adventurer, romantic, helper, peacemaker... but you know oddly enough, one of the ones that wasn't on there were the complainer, or the whiner or something like that. True, it'd be sad, but I'm so sick of all the whiny people out there! But you know what? It's never going to fucking end.

Something is misheard, mislead, or misunderstood. Then someone is going to start something and then a fight will arise. The first person is offensive and the 2nd person is defensive. Most likely one of them will come up with some petty excuse about why the other one sucks and why they are right. It's rather pathetic really. And then the other person's gonna say something back about what they said about them. And then in the end, they're going to wind up hating each other, become enemies with each other and every time their name is mentionted, they're going to think something like, "not that fucking idiot."

The whole thing is so ridiculous and that's why I hate fights, why do you think I only hate one person? But you know when it comes down to it, there are only two categories. Either be aggressive or passive. I hate aggressive people, because it's so stupid watching them fight over some dumb stuff. In truth, if everyone could accept everyone else's damn feelings/opinions, none of this crap has to happen. So learn a lesson today: There's nothing wrong with a negative opinion. In the end the only thing that really matters is your own opinion anyway. But do the world a favor, and don't fucking whine about it. No one wants to hear it, okay?

I thought the whole point of diaryland was so that I can escape the wrath of people, because I can't live in New York, I thought I could be isolated here, but no! There's always someone that's starting some fight and the other one being aggressive back, and somehow I'm finding myself knowing about this and it feels like I'm taking sides again! Why must we fucking fight?! See, this is why world peace will never happen. Humans are stupid idiots.

Diaries shouldn't be public. It's as simple as that... and some opinions really should be kept to yourself. You'll do other people a favor. Unless of course, you're that selfish, 'cause if you want, I've got a lot of mean things I could say about you...



