#626 - Cherish your family

randomlayout / my designs




Hmmm... it's been kind of peaceful the last few days, that's great... I still haven't gotten around to doing my homework, which really pisses me off.. but I will do it today! I'm making myself! I can't finish what I need to in 2 days!

I really don't have much to say, but it's New Year's Eve, so well, I guess today is the last day of this year. I think that it's a little odd that it feels like such a normal day. I don't have much thought to say to anyone really, but just that since it's still the holidays (even though it doesn't really feel like it with Christmas being over), everyone should really spend some time with their family if you don't normally. There isn't another feeling like the one you feel when you bond with your family. It's simply great. And I know since we live in the 21st century and all, this is really hard to accomplish, as everyone I know tend to dislike their parents for some reason or other. Just remember that parents mean well and try not to quarrel with your family. Just enjoy the fact that they're alive.

I didn't think I could do it, but I did, and it's not so bad. It is somewhat fun, anyway.



