#629 - Some updates

randomlayout / my designs




I've done nothing all day except go online. I can't stand being like this anymore. I'm not going to like going back to school, but it'll do me good that I'm not online 24/7. My designing spree at my design site is over, so no new layouts there until around school starts. I made a total of 13 layouts in two weeks. I wish I could've made more, but oh well. Customs and buttons are both closed until I feel like opening them again. But you know what has opened, Haha Reviews. So if anyone is interested, that's back up. I'm not sure for how long though. I'm just glad that I'm done with everything I need to, online-wise. It's been a very hectic 2 weeks, and now I better go do some of my homework, the only problem is I have a huge headache.

For some reason, I don't feel like myself at all. As if some person took over my body. All I know is that I don't feel very good right now and I'm actually feeling rather edgy... I don't know what's up with me. Anyway, I'm just gonna go now. See ya.



