#655 - Vicki sucks fuck

randomlayout / my designs




Ugh. First off, I am so pissed off that someone has stolen my code off of Random Layout. I have heard of Fallen star before, but I didn't think they would copy my code because my designs aren't worthy of taking codes from, but I'm so pissed now. She totally took my codes here and here. I haven't checked out all of the layouts so who knows what else she might've stolen. If you guys care enough about me, maybe you'll sign her guestbook and tell her how belitted, appalled, shocked, horrified and unhappy that I am that she stole my code. That is if you care enough... I emailed Sommer last night about copywriting because her mom does some kind of copywriting work so I was hoping maybe she could shut FS down. That bitch, Vicki. She's some fucking 14 year old. What kind of name is Vicki anyway? Never liked that name...

Okay, maybe that was just an excuse to dislike her more. But then, read her rules. HTML cannot be copywrited? Yeah, right. That's why sites like antiposer exist. I'm so fucking pissed. Everyone!! GO SPAM HER GUESTBOOK! She deserves it.

Um, so tired today. I went to sleep at 2AM and woke up at 7AM yesterday... so I'm probably just going to go to bed right now. Try to not think about people who steal my HTML code.

Happy chinese new year!



