#669 - Remember, Anna

randomlayout / my designs




This is a reminder, Anna. I want you to stop looking at the future. I don't want you to think of the future at all, because any possible future that you think about will not happen, because it hasn't in the past. I want you to realize that it's okay that things don't go as plan. It's because it hasn't that you're where you're at. There some exceptional, unexpected gifts that you've recieved along the way, and some fork-in-the-roads where you don't know where to go, but you've always managed to reach where you need to.

Remember, please, that things never go as plan. People will leave you; they may come back, but you'll always meet new people. In everyone's life, nothing ever go as plan. You always thought that you'd be friends with Nancy forever, even when old. You planned a road trip for senior year that you already know is never going to happen. You thought you would be friends with Denysia, but broke apart for awhile, and when she came back you knew it wouldn't be the same, but you knew that was okay. When Nancy left, Enrique and Mike was there and even when they left, you were not alone. Did you plan any of this? No. Did good stuff happen? Yes. Bad stuff happened too, but you can't have one without the other.

Please don't look into the future anymore. Live for the moment. And I know the past hurts, but you don't live in the past. Remember that people will come and go... and accept that and let it go. Cherish what you have at the moment, before that slips away from you and stop regreting the way things are because you are killing yourself inside, blaming yourself for everything that's so unfair in your life. Be free and be happy. Remember that there will always be people out there that care for you. You will always care for you. Don't give up on yourself and just let it all go. Nobody is against you and whoever is, isn't worth dealing or stressing over. You only get one life. Make it worth something so that on your deathbed, you won't regret anything.



