#706 - My brother's sick

randomlayout / my designs




My brother has a cold. Dang it. This is one of the worst things that could happen. Whenever he has a cold, he gets real bad. He feels bad, he doesn't want to eat anything and if he does eat too much, he throws it all up. He wakes up in the middle of the night because of his coughing. Before, mom would be here to help him through all this, but mom's not here. I'm basically the mom now. I hate this, I do. Sometimes, I want mom to come home because of these reasons, but then, I have so much more freedom when she's not here.

Mom's not coming home until the end of March or around April so I guess I'll have to hang in there a little while longer.

My piano test thingy is this weekend I believe. I'm playing this weekend and then next week will be the theory test. I'm so nervous... :( If you're Christian, please pray for me!



