#708 - Secretive smile

randomlayout / my designs




I walk out of my 2nd period world history class and as fast I can, I walk over to Mr. Erickson's class because I need to get my teacher's approval and who do I bump into? Someone I really was not expecting to see.

He flashes me this smile that his girlfriend cannot see. It's this cute grin, but not really. He's flashed me this smile before. It's one of those smiles that's saying something and this is what he said: "Hey there..." ::Wink:: ::Wink::

And I can only stare. I can't respond fast enough. And even if I could, I couldn't smile back like that with his girlfriend there. What smile is that? It's the smile that shows that he knows something that nobody else knows. A smile that indicates that we share a secret, one that nobody else knows. A smile that also indicates that he's ready for more... that he wants more. And he's waiting for it... all this from a smile, while his girlfriend is right next to him.

And I didn't even see his whole face for more than a few seconds and I wasn't about to look at his girlfriend in the face. She's never liked me very much. And I'll remember that smile because it's not the first time I've seen it. He flashed me that same smile the week after that weekend on Valentine's Day. It was that same one... and I don't think I'll ever forget that face. No one has ever smiled at me like that, and I don't think anyone ever will.

And these are the things that I still do not understand and I don't think that I ever will. But that smile... I'll never forget it. It left an imprint in my head. And It was only for a second and it passed away so quickly... but somehow that doesn't seem to matter. I wonder what that smile was supposed to mean... That's all I could think about as I continued walking to 3rd period.



