#710 - I'm sick too

randomlayout / my designs




I've been afflicted with my brother's cold. I hate having to constantly sniff, but at least my nose isn't all clogged up. I hate that.

I had to serve detention for lunch today, because I was late to school on Tuesday, which makes me feel bad because there was a CSF meeting... oh welll. I fell asleep all through detention, so I don't really care... I was so tired, I guess I'm kind of glad I have detention, it was either that or talk to my smart freak friends at lunch about nothing really... so the sleep really helped me.

I fell asleep watching American's next top model, so I'm so happy that they show reruns on Wednesday. For some reason I'm always tired on Tuesdays, I have no idea why. I was starting to fall asleep when I was watching American Idol... Speaking of which, I didn't like anyone that much. I liked Jasmine and that last girl that performed... everyone else was either okay or eh.

I need to go practice piano for my test this Sunday... I hope I pass. Otherwise I would be really disappointed...



