#760 - Depressing questions

randomlayout / my designs




Even though I seem to be able to write in here, it seems that the pages are down. I hate it when that happens; it sucks.

Well, today was the first day back to school after spring break and I guess it was okay. I just feel really worn out and tired for some reason. I still have a ton of homework, but all I really feel like doing is going to sleep... maybe I'll figure it all out later...

Things are going really well right now, nothing grand but nothing really bad. I just wish that my bad thoughts would go away, because they keep coming back every once in awhile. And I never know where they come from. I just keep asking myself what is the point of living and why am I live? I mean, I don't really feel like killing myself or anything, but I wish the questions would stop because they make me feel depressed, and I hate that because I have no reason to feel depressed; things are going pretty well for me.

*Sigh* Why do I feel like this?

Only two more weeks till AP tests are here. I don't know why we have CAT testing next week, that's so stupid... next week is the last week for AP studying, and we have fucking CAT testing, but whatever... at least we get off early so we can study... man, fuck. I hope so much that I won't slack off... I hope so much that I will actually study, because I need to pass the AP US test. I have to. I know that if I believe in myself I can do it, so I have to convince myself that I can.



