#764 - I Say ... And You Think ... (POY)

randomlayout / my designs




"Below you will find 10 words, chosen at random. With each word you will respond with the first thing that comes to mind..... But let's take it another step further, shall we...... Of the 10 words, choose one, with the corresponding response and expand on them. Perhaps your response to that word was drawn from a memory that word posed or maybe it tickled your funny bone or inspired other creative ideas. The possibilities are endless."

  1. Peanut Butter
  2. Insatiable
  3. Daisies
  4. Chewed Gum
  5. Gang
  6. Thunder
  7. Monster
  8. Soda Pop
  9. Insecure
  10. Forest

Daisies always reminded me of Jeff. Talking about it kind of makes me sad because we're broken up now. I always hated roses because they're so common place. Everyone labels roses as this romantic symbol of someone's love and roses are so overused that I always hated that. I mean, if someone to give me roses, yeah I'd be impressed and yeah, that'd be really cool. But if you gave me a bunch of daisies, I'd think, "Wow! How original!" Anyway, that's what I always liked.

There were even a few instances were Jeff and I even imagined us spending time together, and in one of those, we had a picnic where there were daisies all around us. It's bittersweet.

I don't like talking about it because it brings too much memories that I'd rather not think about, but now whenever I hear about daisies or think about them, Jeff is usually the first thing that pops into my head, because I am sure that that's what he would give me if we saw each other.



