#771 - Getting hosted again

randomlayout / my designs




I am getting hosted by somebody. Wow, this is kind of exciting. Unfortunately, this will be a distraction to my AP tests. I took my first one today, the English one. I think I did alright. I know it's either a 2 or a 3. I am hoping it's a 3 of course.

I did really well on my net ionic equations for chemistry today. 26/30. That's really good compared to the national average; that's good compared to the rest of the people in the class. So I was happy about that at least... and plus I didn't study as much as most people seemed like they were doing. Everyone seemed like they were cramming the last minute or something... I relaxed mostly.

My next AP exam is Friday for AP US history, once that's over, I will feel much, much better.

I've been trying to figure out PHP again, but it's so hard. I want to program it for Random Layout, so it will be easier on the users... Man, I have such a headache over this, but I shouldn't have a headache over this... I should have a headache over US history for studying so much! Haha...

Oh yeah, I failed to specify that I am getting hosted as a personal site and for my design site. Chris wants to help me with that personal site of mine, so I guess I am letting him. It doesn't really matter to me. As for my design site, I am changing the name to Starfuckers, Inc. Designs. I am tired of Random Layout because it doesn't sound unique enough... Just to occupy your curiosity, Starfuckers, Inc. is a song by Nine Inch Nails. I have the lyrics here.

That's all for now kids.



