#774 - Perhaps I need a boyfriend

randomlayout / my designs




Hey guys. I hope everyone is doing well. Life has been treating me really well lately. I do not care much for diaryland anymore. I don't want to say that I am leaving, because each time I say that I happen to come back and I don't want to make anyone panicked or whatever. So I guess, we'll see what happens. When one day I drift away from diaryland that much, then I guess it will happen...

Well, my site is up. I am sharing it with Chris. The link is here, but Chris' page is not really working. Just bare with it and maybe, Chris will get his butt in gear and fix it.

Alex called me last night and we talked for about 2 hours. I always seem to enjoy talking to him. He thinks that I talk about Chris too much, and like I am obsessed with him. He even said to a point that I was in love with him, but jokingly. I do not think that I love Chris in that way at all. Perhaps I do talk about him too much though. I think I feel too proud of Chris, but I do not even know what I am proud about. I don't know, I don't want to talk about Chris. It's a poor subject.

Lately, I have been finding myself really crushing on so many guys. This is probably because I haven't liked anyone in a long time and I'm experiencing too much hormones at once to bring it out on only one guy. If you're interested in guy gossip, read on. If not, the entry ends here.

The first guy is Ngyen. I hope I spelled his name right. I generally call him Cousin. I will not explain this nickname for even I do not exactly know how it came about, but that's what a lot of people call him so I call him that now. Cousin is a very weird Vietnamese guy. He has a very weird sense of humor... Everything about him is weird. He asked me to prom but not like in a serious way though... and plus he had asked about 10 other girls. Anyway, I'm just trying to point out that even though he asked, believe me, it wasn't anything special. I said ok, but we're still not sure if we're going together. I do not know why I like Cousin. He is not usually someone I go for. You know, he treats me funny too... maybe that's part of the reason. I am just looking for attention maybe.

Another guy is Eric. This guy I've liked from afar since middle school... but it was more like, "oh, he's cute!" It wasn't like I wanted to date him or anything like that. I was just always really attracted to him. I forgot about him once I went to high school, but lately, I have been finding myself talking to him quite a bit and I know I like him, because of the way I act. I am sure that I am attracted to him again. I don't think he likes me though, not in the way that I like him anyway. He's just this really funny guy... I love talking to him.

Besides those two, I am still crushing on Fyto. I haven't talked to him in awhile. Well, I talked to him maybe a couple of days ago, but we didn't say much to each other. I think it was on Monday... I wanted to ask him to hang out with me sometime, but I guess I lack courage to do something like that. Plus, even if I did, I don't know that my mom would let me hang out with him... She's just like that...

Lastly, this is a bit odd... but lately I have been finding myself having dreams about Jason. I used to like Jason, but I stopped about two years ago. I do not think that Jason views me in any way more than a friend, and I do not think that I truely like him, that's why I don't understand why I'm having these dreams. I do not even remember what they are now, but I have had two in about the last one week or so. I don't understand that. Is some part of me still into Jason or something? And if that's so, why now? I think maybe it's just my hormones, like I said and I'm misplacing all my feelings, but I can't really figure it out. When I am feeling logical, I do not feel any romantic feelings towards Jason, so why do I have these dreams?

When Alex called me last night, he asked me how long it has been since I had a boyfriend and I told him, two years. He says that I should go find myself a boyfriend. Most of the guys at my school are all stupid, immature and I can't stand them. The few on rare occasions that I have found myself attracted to, I would never think that they would like me back. This is like middle school all over again... I haven't felt like this in a long time...



