#788 - Eric is just like Chris

randomlayout / my designs




What happened to the good old days? I'm always wondering about that. I can't believe that I'm returning... well, it's more like running back to diaryland, after it seemed like any moment now, I would fall of the end of the Earth and never update again... I guess things are amazingly unpredictable like that.

I apologize for last night's mood swings, I guess when I was writing it I felt really bad. It's not to say that I didn't mean any of it, because when I read it, I still understand how I felt, and I don't feel that it's an overstatement of my emotions.

Today was an okay day, the highlights of it was watching The Lion King 1 1/2 and Paycheck. Lion King was not as good as I was expecting, but it had it's laughs... Paycheck was surprisingly really good. I really enjoyed it. Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman were both really good in it, yep.

Today I noticed how much Eric is similar to Chris. While, he called me, I at first thought it was him, but I realized that Chris wouldn't call me out of the blue like that, since I haven't talked to him in so long. My better judgement knew it was Eric, but I swear he's voice sounds so much like Chris. The more and more that I notice... it seems that Eric is almost another duplicate of Chris. They're so similar. He called me up today... well, he and Gautam, to ask to come over, eat some food and watch my movie (Paycheck) with me and it was 8:45pm... That sounds like something Chris would do... When I say I can't, he calls back and says "fuck you!" and hangs up before I can say anything... I knew he was joking, but still... I'm not sure if Chris would've done that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

He comes by my house an hour later to say "hi"... I suppose he apologized for that earlier comment too, but that was after I pointed it out. He said he felt bad and stuff... which I guess might not be something Chris would do, but Chris sure as heck would drop by anyway to say hi... *Sigh* And this is why I cannot fall for a guy like him. Why do I let myself get caught up and attracted to these type of people? I don't really get it...

Well, maybe I could explain yesterday's entry, but frankly, it's just not the right time yet, so I will just end here... bye.



