#79 - The Perfect Drug

randomlayout / my designs




I was digging through some NIN stuff at Nancy's house today and when I got home, I still didn't get enough of them. I mean, NIN is my FAVORITE BAND of all time now! They are the best and more! So anyway, I went to yahoo.com and I went searching for that stuff. One site popped up that said "interpreting NIN songs" or something like that. So I clicked on it. Not all the songs were up there, but through all the songs I digged through, the most popular one was the song, The Perfect Drug, which had 8 responses. I digged through them and most of the people thought what I thought - that he was in love with some girl that tortured him, the drug representing that she was he's addiction, but one thing did interest me, most people had said that The Perfect Drug was the first song where Trent Reznor was not talking about anger or madness or being in a fit and a rage. The song is almost... peaceful in a sense. It doesn't sound like he's regretting it... it sounded like he was looking back onto what had happened... I don't know... it made me sad, I don't know why. For one thing, I feel like I could relate to it. In a way, I feel kinda that way about Chris, like he's my addiction and I can't seem to let go... you know? and i'm not sure why.. even though I could relate, I still felt sad, I don't know what I was so sad about...

I hAvE -cRueL INteNtioNs- fOr yOu.



