#795 - Spiderman 2

randomlayout / my designs




Today I went to the movies with a whole group of people (Susan, Eric, Melinda, Melvin, Jason, twins, Zuri, Danny and Eric's two friends) to watch Spiderman 2. It was a good movie, and as I learned a little more about it after the movie, I heard that it's a sad ending in the Marvel comics. I didn't know that. They'll probably make a Spiderman 3... maybe even a 4... who knows? It's a pretty good movie though. What awed me was that Dunst and Mcguire dated and after they broke up, they hated each other's guts, but they really seemed like they cared/loved each other in the movie. They're great actors...

Anyway, things have been pretty peaceful and calm lately. I'm not sure if I'm glad or not. I guess sometimes I want to have a little distress in my life so I could have something to talk about, but I know that's dumb, and I don't really wish that when I think about it. I'm glad things are going okay for me, I guess if I got a boyfriend or some other big thing like that happened, I would probably be in too much emotional distress. This is for the better good.



