#803 - Liars and hypocrisy

randomlayout / my designs




You know what I noticed... I can never quite say right out what I want to say anymore, because I don't know how to say it... instead, I dance around the subject, without giving out the point. I don't mean to do it, but it just keeps happening. Crap, that sucks so much.

I've been a hypocrit these last couple of days... let's backtrack.

Have I ever told you about my biggest pet peeve? Liars. I hate liars... I fucking loathe liars. There should never be a reason for you to lie to me. People that lie to me waste my time and their own time and I don't like people that waste my time either. I don't believe in a friendship, relationship or any kind of -ship that's based on any lies. If you feel like you've got to lie to me then first of all - you don't know me at all. Secondly, you do not care for me or my desires and/or needs. And finally, I will not put up with crap like that.

I hate it when people tell me that they're my friend, or they like me, and then they turn around and talk crap about me. If you don't want to be my friend, I could fucking care less. I do not need you. If my haircut looks absolutely horrible, then fucking tell me instead of letting me walk around and make an ass of myself. If you think I'm fat, then tell me that I'm fucking fat so I'll lose some weight. I know that's extreme, but I really mean it.

Think about this for a second. I know this is really weird, but my mom sometimes tells me that I need to lose weight. She doesn't do it because she wants to criticize me or because she wants to hurt my feelings, she says it because she loves me. She wants me to lose weight so I will look better. I guess logically, you can think that a person who loves you should love everything about that person, but that's so not true. Think about a trait of your significant other, sibling, cousin, etc. that you absolutely cannot stand. See... you don't think they're perfect! ...but if you could say something to them that would change that, make them be a better person, then doesn't that not only help him/her, but yourself, and possibly the other people he/she will meet in the future? So don't think of it as being fat maybe... think of it as some other really bad habit or trait. And that's when you truly love that person, because you know their faults, you help them with it, and even if you can't, you still love them. That to me, is a true friendship, relationship, etc.

Now, let's go back... the thing is, in human nature, we don't feel comfortable with feeling "criticized" by friends, especially when we don't ask for it. But we aren't critisizing, and they fail to realize it. And what will eat at them even more is that, "they're supposed to support me! They're my friends!" That's why most people can't stand it, and that's why we're so used this situation... and that's why it's so hard not to lie. Because of this, I cannot tell the truth. If I really thought you were fat and got up to you say "dude, lose some weight," what would you think of me? And that's why I can't say that.

Which brings me to why I am a hypocrit. There is a particular girl that I do not really like. It's not as if she's evil or bad or anything. I guess she can be really sweet, but she's one of those really sweet people that's so easily conceiving, but failed to be realized, so that's why so many people will easily like her without really realizing what she could do. And I hate people like that, people who have power and abuse it. I can't put my hand on it, but I don't like her very much. There's just something about her... but I can't tell her that... which makes me a hypocrit. But I can't help it that I think like this, that I'm odd like this, and nobody else could see things like I do, otherwise, I would tell her... but she's not me, and she would not take it as I do, and she'll think I'm a bitch... when all I'm trying to do is treat someone how I would like to be treated, but she would never understand that, and I hate being a hypocrit.



