#807 - Last review

randomlayout / my designs




Hey all. I got an unpleasant review that said that my "entries are inhumanly long... Lets put it this way, you write like a 12 year old, but with better spelling." I guess I was insulted because of the way that came out. The only reason I could come up with that she would compare me to a 12 year old's writing is because my writing is unimportant rants. I hope that's what the reviewer meant... because if he/she meant that I have the maturity of a 12 year old that would really piss me off. Anyway, enough about that. I've decided that I don't want reviews anymore. I don't care what people think of my diary. Getting my diary reviewed was fun because I liked knowing what people thought of me, but now I just don't care anymore. I have a few more reviews left, but I'm not gonna apply anymore.

Today I went to the movies with Jed. We watched White Chicks, which was okay. It had some pretty funny moments. It was kind of a triple date... I'm not even sure... but it was Melinda, Rick, Susan, Sonny, Jed and I. Melinda and Rick are kind of seeing each other now, even though she won't admit it. If they're not seeing each other, it's friends with benefits or I guess an euphemism: casual dating. Susan is confused about Sonny, because she's not sure if she likes him or not. As for Jed and I... Well, I've always liked Jed on and off I guess, I've never really said this on here, but yeah... Lately, I've been liking him again. I just don't know what to do about him... we have a lot of fun when we're hanging out together... but I don't think he sees me in that way. I don't know... gah. I think I should tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid that I might whimp out, that's the Anna thing to do... I wonder if it's just that I really want a boyfriend to make out with or something... like, it's just my hormones or something... because when I think about having a boyfriend, I think what's the point? Maybe I'm not really looking to open up with anyone. I would love to have a friends with benefit thing, but I don't know... I get the feeling that emotions will soon get involved...



