#857 - Kerry or Bush?

randomlayout / my designs




Since I've begun liking US history last year and I will be taking Civics... it's no surprise that I have been and will be watching the debates... or at least parts of it. I do not really like either of the candidates to be honest, but had I been 18 before the end of November, I would have voted for Kerry.

This shouldn't be surprising because I live in California and California is a mostly democratic state... but the reason I vote for Kerry is only because I do not like Bush and his policies. I really do believe that for one thing Bush use the 9/11 attack as an excuse to attack Iraq and Saddam, but they had nothing to do with the terrorist's attack. I really do believe that the only reason we went after them was for their oil.

Another thing is, Bush is so Christian. I am not Christian. Bush doesn't like gay marriages, but I believe we have the freedom of choice. Kerry isn't as influenced because he voted for gay marriage. Plus, he approves the stem cell research. A lot of people think that stem cell research is wrong (Christian view), but isn't it murder not to save someone's life if you could? Well, that's what I believe anyway.

If you're over 17 by November, please take the oppurtunity to vote. Your voice does matter. Whether you believe in Bush or Kerry; it doesn't matter... add in your voice, even if you don't agree with my thoughts.

Also, I would really appreciate and like your thoughts on this. Share with me who you would vote for and why.



