#899 - Really happy

randomlayout / my designs




Bah. Everyone seems to have a job. I want a job! My mom wants me to go get one too, but I'm just so fucking lazy. I swear that if someone just handed me a job, I would do it no questions asked. I wish I wasn't such a lazy bum all the time.

School's been the same. I'm already hating civics, but you already know that. That class is just so boring. We're taking our first test this Friday for chapters 1-4. I hope I do well, but I really think that I'm going to fuck up, big time. I just hope I end up with a B in the class. Well, let's just see how well I do this Friday first.

I keep thinking about the fact that I wish school would just hurry up and end already. I really am sick of high school. I mean, I don't have senioritis or anything, but I just don't see the value in dealing with these people at my school anymore I guess. But I'm positively sure that once I graduate, I would miss everybody. I totally would.


I'm really happy, I am. Despite how negative I sound in this entry, life is going really well for me. I just hope that it doesn't come and take it away from me.



