#909 - The wrong reasons?

randomlayout / my designs




I talked to Fyto Thursday night again. I feel like I'm leading him on by not telling him about Eric. He said that he wanted to see me and I said that maybe I could see him next week, but the truth is that I don't really want to go. Fyto is a really good guy, but I have Eric. This is exactly what I do when someone likes me but I don't like them back - I try to dodge them. I try to avoid talking to them in hopes that they get the message. But Fyto might just take my avoidance as being busy so I might actually have to tell him about Eric. I really don't want to hurt his feelings. I hate hurting people's feelings. To be honest, something liket his has never happened to me. It's not like I turn guys down on a daily basis. Eric turns down way more girls than I turn down guys.

I thought about what Kaylyn said and sadly enough I must admit that even though Eric and I are really compatable, we're into a lot of different things. He likes skating and playing hacky sack. I like DDR and video games. I like writing poetry and music but he doesn't even know I do that, and if he did, he shows no interest in it. I guess I really did want someone a little more sensitive. But the thing is, I think that had I really been with someone more sensitive, I would be annoyed about other things he didn't do. I guess I just wished that Eric would show more interests in the things I like... or at least try. I guess I'm a hypocrit though, because it's not like I'll try skating any time soon. I mean, I did like it when I tried it before in the summer, but I just never get a chance to skate with him though. And anyway, he would have to teach me and I'd probably need my own board.

Mick told me a few days ago that he broke up with his girlfriend (in the past) because she liked the part of him that he least liked. I've been wondering if Eric likes the part of me that I least like, but I don't even know what that part would be. I guess it's just that there are other things about me that I wish he would like, but he appreciates my sense of humor, but if he didn't, I would've never liked him.

I don't know why I'm always attracted to the wrong guys. I always have these streaks of bad luck and I've been wondering if Eric is one of those. I shouldn't be thinking about this I know... Because the thing is, no matter what I say now, at the end of the day, I still love Eric and there's nothing he or I could do to change that. And as long as he doesn't do anything stupid, there's no way I could consider not being with him. Did I get with Eric for the wrong reasons? But what would those wrong reasons be? I've liked him since when I first met him...



