#928 - Valentine's Day... pish

randomlayout / my designs




Today was decent... not as good as yesterday, but yesterday was really good. Yesterday, I went karaoke and sang songs with a bunch of my friends. When Eric sings, he sounds different. He sounds like... a little like Elvis. Hah.

Anyway, I watched the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, which was really funny. It definitely had its moments and it made me realize that life works out in funny ways.

I also saw Saved, which I ended up liking a lot. You all know that I'm not Christian and to be honest, a lot of the Christians I know piss me off. I like them and all that, but they just piss me off once they start talking about God and how I should believe in God and stuff. I don't believe in God and I don't go around telling Christians not to believe in him. Anyway, Mandy Moore's character is absolutely brilliant. I absolutely hated the person she played and that makes her a great actress. I kept wanting to slap her, but I knew if I knew a person like that in real life, I would just laugh at her behind her back. Anyway, a really good movie, you should definitely watch it.

The movie also made me realize that I really want to go to prom, despite how much it's gonna cost and I know it's gonna cost a shitload. The tickets itself is $50. Then there's also the dress. This year, I decided that I don't want the poofy dress. I'm thinking black and hot pink. I've always liked that combination. I think black will look good on me too because it hides fat. Yeah, I know. You think I'm crazy because I'm not fat, but you know how girls are. Haha.

Eric's told me that he didn't want to go to prom before, but I did talk about it a little with him and he said that if I went with someone else that he would be mad-jealous. I kind of didn't want to go because of that, but I realized that I do want to go. After I talked about it with him it seems like Eric might actually be keen on going. I mean, I know he doesn't want to, but maybe he'll do it because I don't want him to be jealous. I know how much that sucks... so maybe he'll go. I hope he does. I know who I'd go with if he didn't say yes though.

Friday night, I pretended to be asleep... well actually, I was trying to fall asleep and Eric assumed that I was. He started singing... well, he had been singing while I was falling asleep, but yeah. I love how he isn't shy around me. He kissed my nose a couple of times and whispered that he loved me and I felt my heart melt. I just love him so.

Tomorrow is... Valentine's Day. Every romantic and sappy girl's favorite day... if she had a boyfriend I mean. I'm a romantic and I'm somewhat sappy and I have a boyfriend, but it means nothing to me. I don't know why that is... but hearing myself ask "will you be my valentine?" to Eric is so corny that it makes me wanna gag. I'm in love with him, but jeez... That's too much even for me.

I've never seen what the big deal to Valentine's Day is and I still don't. I know maybe it should make a difference because for once I have a boyfriend, but I seriously think that Valentine's Day was just some randomly made up day by some guy (or girl) trying to make money off of us people in love... as if not getting your loved one something on February 14th would mean that you don't really love or care about him/her. Fuck that. I don't need some special day once a year to know that Eric loves me. He tells me so every day he loves me and I know so in my heart that he does. So even though tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I AM spending it with Eric, it doesn't mean shit. It's just another day of spending time with him and that's all I want. That's the best present he could give me, Valentine's Day or not, especially since I mis him so much right now.



