#934 - I have him

randomlayout / my designs




Today was... just crazy to sum it up.

Last night I had a semi decent talk with Eric about recently. Turns out he's been having one of those bad moods and I guess he told me and afterwards he felt better. He had to leave before I could fully say what I wanted to so I decided that we should talk today.

After school, kind of depressing, but at around 6pm, I came and picked him up. Then I went to the library where we talked for awhile. I just... I love those conversations. I broke down crying, yeah, but it felt great afterwards. I told him about everything I felt... well, except the jealousy thing about Asil. I think I've gotten over that. It doesn't really matter how he acts around her, I know that Eric cares about me. What is Asil to me? She's nothing. She's not my friend. And it's her doing, not mine. She's the one that didn't want to be friends with me. I know in the end that Eric loves me and would want to be with me, and my stupid insane jealousy, is just plain stupid. I'm not jealous of Asil at all. I have everything I want, I have Eric. She doesn't.

I've realized that even with Eric being a emotional rollercoaster, I don't care. It's a part of him, and i'll learn to deal with it because I love him and that's what I do.

So in short, everything's good. I love him, love him, love him so.



