#993 - In love with love... and not other people

randomlayout / my designs




So as you can tell, there's been a change in my template. The last one was starting to get annoying because of the double scroll and I hated looking at the links because the big font kinda got annoying. I like this new one. It's simple and we all know how I like simple. In actuality, I can't accept credit for this template because I got the idea from someone else's diaryland a long time ago, but I don't remember who...

Today I play melee with Jesse and my old friend from school whom I hardly hang out with, David. Another guy, Tony was gonna come too, but then he canceled. Darn it... oh well, but at least I don't have to take Tony home this way.

Paul and I totally don't connect verbally. I can't really imagine myself opening up to him and even when I have things I want to say or talk about, I don't really know how to say it to him. Our converstations are a lot of him saying he's going to tickle me and saying I'm cute and such. It's sweet, but there's no connection. And I really think that when I'm with him (the two times I was), I like the idea of being with someone over whom I'm actually with. It's like... I like being held rather than I like being held by Paul. Maybe I should break up with him... before he ends up falling for me even more and I end up breaking his heart. See, I knew it was a bad idea to fall in love with love.

Yesterday Denysia and I went to the mall. As we walked toward the bank, she said something about Andrew (Rick's brother) and Jesse... something about how Jesse had asked Andrew and Mark if they wanted to go play melee at my house or something like that, but they said no... because they had something to do or whatnot. I don't know, I didn't really care, but I don't understand why she was telling me something I already knew. Whenever she does something like that, it makes me feel like she's trying to tell me that she knows the Soto's better than I do or something, which in this case, I don't even care if she does now... it's just I wish she would stop rubbing that stuff in my face; it pisses me off. I told her that I didn't care about what Andrew tells her from now on, so I hope she stops talking about him... because I just don't really care.

Well, after that hanging out with her didn't seem too bad. I guess with her, as long as she doesn't say some really dumb things, I'm good... but goddamnit, sometimes she really bothers me. Anyway... Oh yeah, yesterday I got this neat poster of the old Nintendo (the original) controler and it says "out of control" at the bottom. Neat. It was only like 7 bucks. Anyway, I'm going to go now.

Good day.



