#995 - I need to break up

randomlayout / my designs




I've been kinda just staring at my page for the past some minutes and to be honest, I would really like to do the diaryland stuff (such as reviews) that I used to do before, but it seems like I would have to do a lot of work... but then again, it's not like I have anything better to do. After all, I'm just staring at the screen.

I don't really feel like talking to anyone... well, perhaps a couple of people, but one's away and another isn't even online. I wanted to go Charita's house earlier, to do what I don't know, but it's just boring here. There's a lot that I know I should and could do, but I don't want to do it. For example, I need to sell some stuff on ebay, but I just keep getting lazy and I don't want to do it... which is kinda stupid because if I did sell it, think of the money I could get, especially now since I have no job.

Damn, I really need a job. Yesterday, my mom yelled at me for it... but I guess the only place that could possibly hire me is Knott's and I don't really want to work there damn it. I hate the summer as well. It's so hot. I hate the weather. I wish school would start actually. I don't have anything interesting to write about.

I want to break up with Paul. I just don't know when I should do it. There's going to be a bonfire this Saturday and I was thinking about doing it after the bonfire... to avoid awkwardness at the bonfire, but I feel so guilty knowing I'm going to break up with him... I feel like i'm leading him on... and he's so... It seems like he likes me so much and I'm afraid that he'll be devastated. I hate hurting feelings. Man, I'm such a lie. I live such a lie...



