#150 - Happiness: I've got it!

randomlayout / my designs




Remember one of my very first entries? So long ago... that it was back in April? This was such a long time ago, but yeah, it was entry #23. I listed 3 things that would make me happy. The first thing was a boyfriend. well, I was wrong about that one. I had a boyfriend, and well, Chris made me happy at one point, but then he changed so yeah... but I am a lot happier, because I don't have to dwell on how he made it hurt or whatever you want to call it I guess. I'm just so much happier this way, I mean, I don't regret all the stuff we did and what happened, but I am a lot happier this way, and I think he is too. It's for the best. So basically, item #1 is taken care of.

Well, money has been probably one of the biggest issues for me because I never get enough money, but my mom has made me come to her little shop place to help out every weekend now because she said because of Chris I never spend time with the family. So she said that if I help her out and junk she'll give me 3 dollars for every hour. I stay there and I usually stay there for about 6 hours, So that's 18 bucks a day, which is cool, cause then I can earn 36 bucks a weekend, which is 160 bucks a month... right?! Or did I calculate wrong? Oh well... whatever the case, 36 bucks a week is a lot of money, so yeah, I'm happy with that.

The car thing... well, I've decided that it doesn't really matter right now because I can't drive by myself yet, but my parents really want me to be able to drive because they are always saying how I could help out if I could, so I'm pretty sure they're pushiness will get me to get my driver's license ASAP. And I'm pretty sure they'll let me drive my dad's car when I do get my license, plus with my 36 bucks a week money, I could probably buy myself a car in a few years! Oh yeah... speaking of buying, I've decided the first thing I'm going to buy when I have enough money is a guitar... yes, I've decided that I really want one still, so I'm going to buy one for myself... that and I'm going to pay for half of the trip to Florida, that's in april. Wow, things are working out so well for me I almost can't believe it! Life is awesome. I feel awesome...




