#157 - A good ending

randomlayout / my designs




Ok so let's go on... after the break, I was still kind of down, but Nancy wanted to the snack area, so I went along with her and Andre, but they left first cause they thought I wasn't going, so I met them over at the lines... then I saw Natalia and Enrique over there somewhere yelling for some old friends or something like that... then I saw Jennifer! Jennifer Prinse! I haven't seen her since... since May actually when I saw Spiderman with Chris and Nancy, him and I were walking back to Nancy's house. She's the one that wrote me that stupid letter in entry #40. Well, I saw her... she looks like she did when I saw her in May, but she has changed quite a bit from when she in 7th grade. Well, she sneaked over to the Gahr side... so she goes to Cerritos, yep! Well, I got to talk to Natalia's friend, Eliot. He seemed nice... my first impression was that he wasn't bad looking, but he's personality is great too! But then Natalia was saying how I sounded like a guy named Tony Chen, he's a senior at Cerritos. Apparently Enrique agreed and so did Eliot, and another person named Jennifer (not Prinse), she's another one of Natalia's old friends... and Gabbi (another old friend) said that I was like this Tony guy too. I think I bugged those people a little too much cause I kept asking them if Tony was around, cause I wanted to meet this guy... someone that sounds like me?! Hell ya! Bring him on! But he wasn't around so I couldn't do anything about that... so before we left, I heard Natalia and Eliot talking about how Cerritos was going to Denny's afterwards to celebrate or something like that, just like how Gahr was going over to Bigg's.

Well anyway, when we got back to the benches, I felt a lot better... I was much more hyper and happier. Jennifer Prinse was there in the stands near us and shit, but it didn't bug me much, in fact... when we played Santanio, Ricky went up to the basses, so I went down to the tenors, next to Chris (cause yes... Jennifer has a massive crush on Chris) and I started playing Santanio with him.. I don't know, but I just all of a sudden felt like i was saying, "HA! IN YOUR FACE JENNIFER PRINSE!" cause in a way, I was cooler than she was! Hahahaha... karma, baby!

Well anyway, I was dancing the cheerleader's moves half the time and I played the other half... I'm glad that Jason let it go, cause I know normally he would've been pissed off, I know, I know! "you signed up for bass, you should do your job as a bass player" and yes, Jason is right, he has a point. I know what I originally wanted was tenors, but I'm playing bass. So even if I may not feel like playing it or whatever, but I'm a bass player, it's my responsibility. But I've been thinking about it a lot, I'm not sure whether to play tenors or be in pit next year. It's a lot more fun when you're not the one playing, I think... but I guess maybe that's just me, I'll think about what I want, and just go for it I guess. Well, Ricky and Chris didn't bitch at me too much at the game, in fact, they barely gave a shit about me. That was a good thing cause I really didn't want them to start nagging at me... cause yeah, I wasn't in the best of moods, so I'll try and be considerate now and play more of my bass parts...

Ok, later on, I asked my mom if we could go to Bigg's, and she said ok. So I went there and it was pretty boring, it wasn't like last time, so all of a sudden I got this idea to go to Denny's to meet this Tony guy. So we go to Denny's and we're talking to Mrs. Dunbar (is that her name?), Megan's mom. Tony wasn't there, but Eliot said that he might be here later, so that's why I was talking to Mrs. Dunbar, then when we were about to go back to Bigg's, I saw Tony. My first impression... I'm not even sure, cause at first I didn't even believe Natalia or Eilot that it was him... but then I guess it was him. My first impression was "how is he like the way I talk?!" and then after awhile I thought, "he's not that bad looking"... then I actually went to "he's kinda cute in this way," but anyway, we talked for a few minutes and then Nancy and I went back to Bigg's. The only thing was, they locked the door so we had to wait awhile before they let us in. We went in and the guy was like "We're closed, you have to go" so I said, "well, can we at least get our stuff?" and he was like "ok" and after we got our stuff we went to Denny's again, cause it was only 11:30 and I said I would be home at 12. So then I go to Denny's and I found all of them again, and we just started talking, and cracking ourselves up, laughing our heads off, these are the good days of our lives. I can honestly say that... it really was a good day. Even though, I got in trouble, which I'm too lazy to talk about... but Tony in some ways is a little like me and if I talk like him, I wouldn't really mind, cause it's not a bad thing.

Well, today was pretty boring, I went to practice and I went to work, and I came home and did the normal stuff... oh and played some Super Smash Brothers Melee. Fun, fun, fun!




