#250 - I am pathetic

randomlayout / my designs




I've been up for the past 2 hours doing reviewing crap. Did I spell review right? It doesn't even look right anymore. I have such a pathetic life. I am supposed to be busy working on projects and stuff, but I'm done with my part of it. The English project anyway. I'm probably missing words and crap, but I'm too lazy to revise this entry. I'll probably do it tomorrow.

If you are a reviewer, I advise that you don't look at the past 3 entries. They're all pretty boring and pathetic. Blech. Besides that they're alright, but you'd probably find some more boring ones through out the diary. Go read entry 245, that one's deep... The drop down menu is so long now... I'll probably have to change this layout a little bit. Well, I better get to bed. Thank god tomorrow is late day.



