#627 - New Years' resolution

randomlayout / my designs




I was going to do another one of my significant days of the year entry like I did last year, but I realized that there are no significant days this year, or at least none that matter that much to me. Considering how well last year went, I'm not surprised to say that this year didn't go by as well.

I have decided to make a New Years' resolution. I've never actually done one on time, because I usually can't think of anything that I would like to achieve until it's way into the year. Anyway, I have decided that this year, I'm going to make more friends and really try to get to know them and not be so quick to think that they'll do something bad to me. I've decided to put the past to rest and try to get to know some more people, espcially the ones here on diaryland. So hopefully, I'll come across your diary and I'll leave a note or guestbook message. And if not, please feel free to IM me and talk to me. I want to be more friendly than I was this year.

Thanks to everyone who has made this year wonderful for me, you should know who you are. And I won't comment on those who didn't make my year great, because I'm going to put that behind me. I hope that for those who have been having a tough time that now they'll get the chance to have a brand new start like I am going to. And for those that had a great year, I hope that those days continue for you. Perhaps I won't be a completely different person, but that's a good thing. I should just change the little bad things about myself. And right now, making friends will be good for me, because I can finally put the past behind me, and I can get over my fears of people betraying me.



