Work is... work I guess. It pays alright, but I don't work nearly enough to pay for my school fees. The last 3 years my mom has helped me. My first two years, I had financial aid. Last year was pretty bad at first, until my mom said she would help me. She doubled whatever I made at my job, which got me about $1,000 a month and barely covered my ass. She says she won't be helping me this year, so I'm going to have to take out a loan. I only have about $1,000 in my saving account, and I'll probably need around $9,000 for the school year. I'm not sure how much money I'll be able to make during the school year so I haven't yet decided how much the loan amount will be.
I looked around diaryland... well, mostly I did a search engine, and it turns out, there's only a few designers out there doing templates. I'm not sure if I just haven't found the place where they are hiding or if that's the reality of the situation. I paid for a gold membership on diaryland so I can advertise myself, (yeah, attention whore.) and maybe some people who used to care to read my diary (lol, yeah right) will come back.
I looked through my old templates that I had on Random Layout and I decided that a lot of them were utter crap. I'm sure it wasn't all bad... but I just felt that they weren't good enough (with the exception of a few). I'm thinking about just starting over at a new place with new templates. If anyone has any ideas on what I should make I am open to suggestions... also, I'm still willing to make someone a template for their diary. (I talk as if people are reading this... haha). I'm not sure yet where I will be hosting this said website... Using diaryland seems like a pain. Getting hosted somewhere else not only requires work, but causes different type of problems... and there's no way in hell I am going to be using some shitty place like geocities.
I got photoshop installed so I can't wait to get started on something...
I hope work ends soon, my mind is just really not focusing on this at all.